Lovey JUST Lovely :-)

YOU CAN’T BEAT a good pre dive briefing! And Saturday was no exception as we welcome Jareth, Sammie & Lee to their PADI Open Water Course & Katrina, Oscar & Andy to their PADI Discover Scuba Dive.

GREAT JOB Barley, William, Max, Mel, Rory, Charlie, Vanessa & Kevin, Ian, Kev H, Ben & William H on their PADI Open Water Courses, that warm spring water is calling! Great to see Gareth, Selicia, Connor, Inês & Paul helping & enjoying the proceedings too.

THANK YOU to the awe-inspiring dive team: Chris W, Gaz M, Chrissy, Major, Ben C, Claire, Ben S & Fern. Loads of diving goodies coming at you very soon, in the mean time roll on next Saturday & have a great week everyone Hotch & Vic

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