ARE YOU SITTING DOWN? Then I will begin; what a monster Scuba week, Wednesday we say welcome at LSST to Isla, Oscar, Mitchell, Stanley, Anton, Jack & Rachel enjoying some high energy PADI Discover Scuba Dives, great to see Saffire (Our soon to be Jnr DM)enjoying a swim around too.

THURSDAY at Scuba Dream we had a tonne of fun, congratulations to Gareth & Mel on becoming PADI Dry Suit Divers, congratulations also to Lee on becoming a PADI Open Water Diver, great to see Max & William enjoying themselves too.
SATURDAY in the pool we welcome Felice to his PADI Open Water Course & well done Ben on your PADI IE mock ahead of this coming weekend.
ARE YOU STILL WITH ME Ok again to Scuba Dream on Saturday & Sunday, congratulations to Ian, Peter, Daniel & Thomas on becoming PADI Open Water Divers & to Rosie on gaining her PADI Scuba Diver certification, great to see Bella & our Mazzer for a swim around too. Also well done Mark that’s your PADI DM S&R Scenario nailed.
AND Well done Ben, open water briefs and rescue polished ready for your PADI Instructor Exams on Saturday 5th & Sunday 6th November, good luck, you will be great.
Many thanks to everyone at Scuba Dream for your hospitality & THANK YOU to the dive team. Ian, Gaz M, Chrissy, Gaz W, Vicky, Claire, Steve & Mark F.
NO POOL this weekend, we are away to Whittlesey, have a great week everyone Hotch & Vic