An amazing week of scuba delight!!

THE congratulations keep flowing; beautiful job Mat, you’re now a PADI Divemaster, what a brilliant achievement and well deserved, all ready on course for PADI Instructor 🙂

Mat enjoying his final challenge towards PADI Divemaster

WELCOME Matt, Peter, Daniel, Chris & Lee to your PADI Open Water course, welcome too Emily & Rob enjoying a beautiful PADI ReActivate. The final welcome this week goes to Riley enjoying a brilliant PADI Discover Scuba Dive.

WELCOME Back Priya, Matthew, Tristan & Jamie, all PADI ReActivated and South Africa bound (Not Jealous at all!!) Well done Heather, Vicky, Faith, Becky, Stephen, Tyelah, Emily & Katrina on your latest installment of your PADI Open Water Course.

GREAT to kick off Hannah & Mark on their PADI Divemaster today and welcome back to the fold Mark next stop PADI Divemaster too. Lovely to see Darren, Sarah, Nick & Darla enjoying a fun swim around & finally what a brilliant weekend Nic & Ben one step closer to your PADI Instructor.

BRILLIANT to see our new team member Lucy getting stuck straight in with Divemaster development & as always thank you to the mind numbingly amazing dive team of Ian, Garry, Margaret, Hannah, Mark, Ben, Mat & Claire.

DOUBLE pool again next weekend, until then take care enjoy the week, Hotch & Vic

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