An Awesome Week

It really has been a great and very busy week, it’s been diving non stop and how fantastic is that!! 

Today’s pool was a pleasure; we start by wishing welcome to Doug & Family and Helen, 5 scuba tune up’s in the expert hands of Seasick & Major, we hope to see you again soon. Well done Sam, Mark, Kelly, Mia & Tina on completing your confined water training, next stop PADI Open Water certification. Well done also Scott your Junior Open Water will soon be yours. Great to see Mark, Nat, Darren & Sarah for swim a rounds, thanks to Bill for your great instruction and nice to see Rob on surface support.

After the pool the Active Nation discovery day brought us 40 very happy snorkelers who were beautifully taken care of by Major, Seasick, Kev, Mick, Hayley, Mark, Nat, Lucy & Matt. Thank you so much for your support and hard work, you will be pleased to know that we got some Scuba enquiries from your labors. 

Tom & SamAt Blue Lagoon we are pleased to say that Tom & Sam are now certified PADI Open Water divers, trained beautifully by Karl. Well done gents and how great that you are going on to do your PADI Advanced Open Water certifications. 

It’s Capernwray next weekend so we are looking forward to seeing you there. Have a great week everyone Hotch & Vic.

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