Sometimes you can just sum things up in a word!! “Beautiful” says it all! What a long weekend that was! Ok sit still here it comes…..congratulations to Jamie, Charlie, Ed, Alex, Chris, Paul, Ben, Cheya, Julie & Anna on becoming stunning PADI Open Water divers! Brilliant!! Congratulations also to Herm, Ross, Josh, Isaac, Cheya, Anna & Ben on becoming PADI Advanced Open Water divers. Oh hang on…congratulations abound; well done Paul & Garry on becoming PADI Dry Suit Divers, to Claire & Stephen on getting your awesome PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy ratings & (flipping heck) to Ed, Alex, Paul & Chris on becoming PADI Adventure Divers! Well done also to John Wick on becoming a Lifeguard!! A life of Speedos and Baywatch inflatables awaits 🙂
Thank you to the simply stunning dive team comprising; Seasick, Ian, Chris W, Petra, Chrissy, Martin, Alex, Sam H, Niel including lovely surface support by Richard. Great to see Tom, Nev, Helen & Heather enjoying a great social AND an as always huge thank you to Ann, Neil and brilliant staff at The King’s Arms Hotel Burton in Kendal – LA6 1LR.
Right, we are at Girton on Saturday & Sunday this coming weekend as well as normal pool on Sunday morning so if you want a bimble around in good company come on down. Have a great week everyone Hotch & Vic.