Well what a night, 40 of us descended on the Swanholme in Lincoln to make merry and I think we certainly did that.  A great night with some great people, very festive and how great to catch up with some old timers like Spratty, Llewey, Maria & Baz, everyone was on fine form.  We would like to say a huge thank you to you for surprising us with the very generous gift of a weekend away, we feel so lucky to know some great people, it makes what we do all the more special. 

For those of you that missed the festivities we gave some awards and tokens of our appreciation to some true Stellar Stars, and we have to say it was hard to single just a few out as everyone is so special.  First up the recognition of “Surface Support 2013” was given to Judy Brightman, Judy has given her time up (mostly when it’s been raining) to keep us organised when we have travelled away and done it with ease, this is something that has made teaching so much easier.  Then we have “Student of the Year 2013” we looked for somebody who was a joy and so very easy to teach, who displayed fantastic skills and ability in the water and will make a fantastic diver now and in the future this went to Lucy Houghton.  Next up was “PADI Professional of the year 2013” this went to Chris Brightman.  Chris gives his time so freely, has hardly missed a Sunday throughout the year but more than that he is a consummate professional and a complete gentleman.  We then recognised “Most improved diver 2013” this was given to Debbie Grant, Debbie overcame a “Nemisis” type challenge to become an open water diver, it was a joy to guide and coach Debbie through the course.  Last but not least we had “Diver of the year 2013” we looked for someone who has displayed the greatest potential throughout the year, someone who we feel has a very high skill set and will make a great future instructor.  We had the pleasure of giving this award and prize of a PADI Digital Underwater Photography course to Lewis Hicks.  We also had a bit of fun with a caption competition…. maybe something’s are better not published and left for the night J the deserving winner was Danielle Mountain.    Thanks again to everybody for making it a very special night.

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