Well we nearly have!! BUT hang on first we have Sunday to natter about!!
Welcome to Erin, Ted, Sadie, Rachel, Lottie & Freya great to see you all having fun doing PADI Bubblemakers & PADI Discover Scuba Dives, we look forward to seeing you soon.

Great to see our PADI Freedivers H & Alice showing us some great skills whilst loving apnea. Well done Gary, Kay, Janis, Michael, Josh, Mat & Leigh on your PADI Open Water course. Top job!!!
Well done also Emma & Mark, on the PADI Rescue Course, that was a high energy session! Yes again well done our PADI Seals Tyler, Bella & Leila enjoying our wreck!! And great to see Maz, Colin, Dave, Sarah, Darren, Gaz & Julez having some fun swim arounds.
Thank you to the always great, always beautiful dive team of Ian, Chris W, Siân, Seasick, Petra, Chrissy, Margaret, Ben, Sam, Martin, Chris D, Alex & Abbie.
And finally, there is no pool until Sunday 22nd March now as we are all away on our Philippines trip. Have a great couple of weeks, not long until it’s time to go crazy in UK waters 🙂

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