Another week nearer to Christmas 🙂

We welcome our newest Divemaster in Training Emily to the team, Emily will be on pool side and diving with us from now on so keep an eye out of her and say hi.

Farnes SealIt was a double pool session again this Sunday and plenty to report. Sunday morning; congratulations to Dot & Lee for completing your PADI Open Water referral with us, on to warm waters and your certifications, we wish you well and hope to see you very soon.

Congratulations also to Allan, Ben (Jnr) & Ben B on completing your pool work part or your Open Water course next stop Capernwray for you PADI Open Water & Dry Suit certifications plus loads of fun.

Great work also Andrea, Alex, James & Phoenix not long now before we get you to Open Water and your PADI certifications. Lovely to see Michelle & Conor in the pool getting tuned up by Mark and always a pleasure to see Elliot & Laura this time preparing for the Caribbean sea 🙂

Sunday PM; great to see Alex & Andrea again (twice in one day, you must love it) plus Daniel, Hayley, Scott, Alexis & Rob all concentrating hard on your PADI Open Water course.

Fantastic work from our Divemasters (in training), Sean, Miguel & Emily, honing your skills as you work towards your certifications.

Great to see the May’s in for a dip too, thank you so much to Major, Mark, Paul & Neil for your expert tuition & assistance, have a great week everyone, Hotch & Vic

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