PADI Scuba Diver Training Lincoln

Mission: Salvation

We have a deep connection with the environment, it surrounds us, supports us & we are part of it. We have damaged this precious & fragile planet BUT it’s not too late to make changes, to clean & bring back the earth that we should have.

Our mission

We are not going to reinvent the wheel; there are hundreds of fantastic causes and organisations doing great environmental work already. We want to raise awareness of these causes, to bring them to you, we will help them where we can and support them through our actions.

We will highlight the environmentally supportive products we can use and the impact we can have by doing simple yet purposeful things.

As a collective small individual actions can add up to a huge impact, it is our chance to make a difference and drive the change we want to see.

Our vision

For Stellar Divers Team, Club Members, Customers, Family & Friends to all make a difference through focused events we will bring to you from time to time. For everyone to put the environment at (or close to) the top of their priorities. We want to be a contributor and ambassador for environmental preservation, conservation & change for the better.


“One person can make a difference”

Pollution, litter it’s not an old problem that will go away, it’s happening right now, so anything we do today will make a difference.

Our mission is SALVATION of our world:

– Sea, protect the oceans

A – Air, clean the atmosphere

L – Land, value where we live

V – Voice, we all have one – spread the word

A – Attitude, we need to drive change 

T – Tenacity, day to day, week to week, month to month

– Influence, believe that one person can make a difference

O – Optimism, working together will make change happen

N – Normal, make caring for the environment part of everything we do every day.

Turtle Plastic solution, stellar divers, lincoln, mission salvation