HERE WE GO 2024! It’s great to be back in the pool after an amazing trip. So in the pool we welcome Garry & Gail to your PADI Open Water course, welcome Joseph, Alfie, Sydney, Raymond & Peter enjoying some fun PADI Discover Scuba Dives & welcome also Charlotte enjoying a Freediver Taster session.

Back at the pool

GREAT to see Sam, Luke, Ian, Hardika & Malcolm back in the pool cracking on with their PADI Open Water courses. Absolutely beautiful job Sean, Emily & Mat nailing some more PADI Divemaster water skills & brilliant to see Chris & George developing their apnea skills in a freediving session. Fantastic to see Tommy, James, Daniel, Lydia & Jake enjoying some fun swim arounds too.

IN THE HUB it was kick off for our second Instructor Development Course of 2024 and with that we welcome Emily & Mat joined by our latest two IDC Staff Instructors in training Ben & Gav. We also welcome Steve, Christine, Chris, Amy, Sarah & Chris doing an induction session for their PADI Open Water course.

WE ARE all set for a busy, fun, & beautiful year of “Stellar” diving!!! Thank you to the illustrious dive team Ian, Gaz, Gav, Ben, Marco, Skippy, Phil, Gaz W, Claire & Hannah have a great week everyone Hotch & Vic

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