Happy Birthday Major

Weekly Update: What a cracking week! Huge congratulations to Nigel & Danielle on becoming PADI Open Water & PADI Dry Suit Divers, awesome job, great couple of days in Blue Lagoon this week, thank you Major for DM support, and great to meet Dee.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Major! and what a busy pool to help the celebrations. How great to see all the Family Brightman in for a snorkel & swim around.

Great rescue skills from Steve, Mick & Hayley, off to Open Water next, I can’t wait Thanks to Mic, Sean T & Paul F for great rescue support. Not of course forgetting our “More Kit” and George for retrieving lots of discarded kit. Well done Athena, open water here you come! Great job, Ros, Christina, Matt, Gonsalo & Rob you will soon be ready for open water. Welcome Tina & Mia, two fantastic PADI DSD‘s in the seasoned & safe hands of Major & Seasick. Welcome also Dave we hope you liked what you saw, look forward to getting your Rescue course started. Great to see Nigel, Danielle, Martin, Molly, Tracey, Spillage, Ken, Natalia & Zane for swim arounds.

Thanks to Lance for looking after us all, great OWSI support Mr D (the best re breather diver on his re breather course!!) Thank also to Neil, nice to see Miguel, Emma and Mitch on pool side and a great breakfast celebration at the Toby, great to see so many people there to join in Major’s celebrations. Have a great week everyone. Hotch & Vic

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