BEHIND the scenes is just as busy! Nice supervision Cathy 🙂

OH AND then there was the pool; welcome Lee, Adam & Mel enjoying fun PADI Discover Scuba Dives, we look forward to seeing you back soon.

GREAT job, well done Roger, Dianne, Shannon, Jayan, Sennan, Duncan, Hardika, Christine, Frederico, Chris, Steve, Jake, Savannah, Chris R, & Joe mastering more skills on your PADI Open Water course journey.

NAILED it!! Adam, Lisa & Julez, that was a brilliant PADI Divemaster waterskills session.

LOVELY to see Alice having a swim around ahead of finishing her PADI Rescue Diver & then it’s a massive thank you to the remarkable dive team; Ian, Chris, Ben, Marco, Gaz W, Phil, Hannah, & Sean.

HAVE a great week everyone, roll on spring!! Hotch & Vic

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