Petra grew up in Holland where as a child she developed a fascination with clogs, having amassed a collection of around a thousand she turned her passion to bulb growing. Modesty prevails; Petra will not mention this but she produced a hybrid bulb known as the Pertonella Maximus Polluxitium, it has a beautiful blue flower that blooms in the spring and oddly has a neoprene aroma!

Petra packed her clogs and leaving Holland with a bag full of bulbs headed for the UK in a rowing boat.  In a soho bar and over a Guinness and bag of pork scratchings Petra saw an old episode of “Voyage to the bottom of the sea” with a clog wearing giant octopus in it, that was that, she was now hooked into diving.  Petra leaned to dive several years ago and driven by her passion to meet a giant clog wearing octopus soon progressed through the ranks with Stellar.

After a short period on the run from the Dutch Bulb police Petra returned and assuming her new identity and now with a Master Scuba Diver certificate engaged herself on the Divemaster programme.  After successfully passing the course Petra now teaches & helps out at Stellar Divers. Petra is waiting to meet you to give you her expert dive/bulb growing advice.