So Proud!!

Talk about proud; this week in true Stellar style our Paul & Ness completed a beach cleanup in Port Dickson, Malaysia. The amount of rubbish recovered is shocking!!! #projectaware

Stellar Divers, Project Aware, PADI

Now back over in the UK it’s Sunday pool so firstly we say welcome to Yasmin, Robert, Seth & Edward enjoying a fun filled PADI Discover Scuba Dive. We look forward to starting your PADI Open Water courses in the near future. 

It’s well done to Josh, Anne Marie, Maddison, Brandon, Sheena, Daisy, Adam, Lisa, Mannie, Sebastian, Dave, Anna, Nicole, Kerry & Bekky on their PADI Open Water course, looking good everyone 🙂

Great to see our awesome PADI Seals Madeleine & Caitlin smashing Navigation skills & really nice to see Donna, Mark & Niel enjoying a damn good swim around.

If you want to renew your EFR certification we have a course running next Saturday 25th Jan otherwise see you in the pool on the 26th. Have a great week everyone, Hotch & Vic

Stellar Divers, Project Aware, PADI

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