The weeks fly by!! Where to start……Well Seasick & I had a great bimble around Stoney Cove this week, the water was warm, the vis was good and we were in WET SUITS!!! Seems the vis is improving at all our favourite inland sites so get diving while the water is warm. We will be going back in a couple of weeks so watch this space. This weeks pool was great, well done, Brad, Brad & Sam Confined 4 nicely finished, beautiful hovers gents! Good to have James accompanying us. Scott was on form with Vic for his Junior confined 2. Great DSD Lynn in the safe hands of Mic Martin, nice to meet Mike too. Always a pleasure to see Starr & Rose for a swim around and hello Debbie our newest Open Water diver Awesome DMing from Sean (Mini Fins) Withers and a warm welcome back to Chris (Major) Brightman back after the opp. Have a great week, enjoy the sun. Hotch & Vic
PADI Awards, happy divers, beautiful times
WE definitely do not do normal at Stellar! WHAT a week that was, there have been PADI awards, a chance to help a new friend, new