It is a truly fantastic experience diving into a ship or an underwater wreck, whether sunken on purpose as an artificial reef or the result of mishap, wrecks open fascinating windows to the past.

Truck Lagoon - Stellar Divers PADI LincolnMost divers find wrecked ships nearly irresistible because they’re intriguing to explore, exciting avenues of discovery, and usually teeming with aquatic life. If you want to learn how to dive on & through some of the most amazing ship wrecks on the planet then this is the first step The PADI Wreck Diver course teaches you how to dive these fantastic objects safely & with confidence. 

The course can normally be completed in one day (so long as you have done a wreck adventure dive as part of your PADI Advanced Open Water) it is open to anyone who is 15 or over & you MUST be a PADI Open Water diver or above. For more information or to register please call the office on 01522 703116 or email 

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