This week…….

Stellar Divers Logo, PADI Scuba School, Lincoln, UKWell first of all welcome to Martin & Molly our newest members, hope to see much more of you in the future. Many thanks to Chris “Major” Brightman for helping Mrs Hotch & I teach 64 kids to snorkel on Friday! Now that was full on but such great fun! Great to see Mandie, Alex & Teah on Friday for some Snorkelling which turned into an impromptu Scuba Session! You are all so good! Fantastic to see Jacob too, thank you for being our honorary rescue support diver! Nice Job!! See you all soon, I hope.

Great pool session this week, well done Wayne Sargent, great confined session, a joy to teach. Nice to see so many seals, well done to Ellis, Teah & Scott Mrs Hotch said you were fantastic as usual. Great to see Heike, Zoltan & Rohan, beautiful DSD’s in the very capable hands of Mr D & Major supported by Tomo. Thank you Uncle Sean Withers for supporting Mrs Hotch with the seals, nice to see Neil & Chris W today also. I can’t believe you didn’t have a spare SD card in your pocket 🙂 Have a great week.

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