We never have fun doing this job!! ? Well there we have it the last couple of pool sessions for 2018! We had a great turn out at The Priory Academy LSST on Wednesday and are looking forward to getting all those PADI Discover Scuba Dives turned into PADI Scuba Divers in 2019. It was nice to see a festive feeling pool on Sunday; firstly we welcome Laura & Damo a couple of fun PADI DSD’s and on to your PADI Open Water you go ?Welcome also Sam & Shelby to your PADI Rescue Course a brilliant start, well done Paul, Breon & Jeremy that’s your pool complete now on to Open Water (when it’s a touch warmer outside ? ) Beautiful job Nev & Josh two returning DSD’s and lovely to see our Seals Isabel, Jaimi & Leila having a great time. Well done Clare, Tom, Sam & Martin on your PADI Divemaster skill circuit, good to see Pawel & Bill having a fun swim around and thank you to the as always brilliant Dive Team Major, Mr D, Siân, Ian, Chris W, Dan H, Chrissy, H, Alice, Alex, Giuseppe & Seasick. Thank you Bishop Grosseteste University, a top breakfast as always accommodating 20 of us can be no small task. Have a brilliant week everyone Hotch & Vic.

Chris Brightman

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