Weekly Update: And again, a great Sunday pool session. Well done, Karen Brady, Steve & Jessica Rousseau & Mike Wood Discover Scuba Dives brilliantly done in the very capable hands of Karl (Mr D), Sean Withers & Chris (Major) Brightman. We hope you go on and do your PADI Open Water’s how great would that be! Good job Wayne confined session 1 of your Open Water course done in the hands of Mrs Hotch. Great to see Maria & Baz back in the water, very nice too…Liveaboard 2014 here you come! Well done Lynn Hewison, so many handstands in a Dry Suit, I was sure you were trying to set a record!! Awesome stuff! Nice as always to see Karen (Commando, Spillage) Francis for a bimble……and the good news it’s all on video!! Soon to be on YouTube!! I’ll keep you posted with that! Nice to see our lifeguard of the day Rob Harrison and great as always to see Chris Wilkinson for a visit, we hope that back of yours soon fixes!! Have a great week everyone, take care Hotch & Vic.
PADI Awards, happy divers, beautiful times
WE definitely do not do normal at Stellar! WHAT a week that was, there have been PADI awards, a chance to help a new friend, new